Setting the agenda for development – who has the power?

In a recent blog, Patricia Dorsher comments that “It is a particular feature of aid that people on the ground are often not involved in activities affecting their communities”. Patricia makes the case for not only shifting resources to those with greater need, but also shifting other sources of power, such as agenda setting; “Agenda[…]

David Bonbright discuss the legacy of Albert O. Hirschman who died last year in his first Feedback Labs article

In his article “Voice As Both Means And End”, David discusses the value of valuing relationships. David refers to Albert O. Hirschman, who died at the age of 97 last December, arguing that his seminal 1970 treatise, Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States, is feeling younger and more relevant every[…]

Keystone helps launch Feedback Labs to address the problem of insufficient citizen engagement in development

Feedback Labs is a group of organizations that wants to see citizens become central throughout the development process, from start to finish. We look inclusively at four stages of the development cycle – governments, funders, NGOs & civil society, and citizens – to make sure that feedback loops are present between all stages. Keystone has[…]

Keystone commits to making citizen feedback the norm rather than the exception in the design and execution of development initiatives, by becoming a founding member of Feedback Labs

Feedback Labs is a  consortium of like-minded organizations committed to making governments, NGOs and donors more responsive to the needs of their constituents. We work through human-centered design, adaptive processes, technology, and trust to bridge communication gaps between everyday people and the institutions that should meet their most pressing needs. Keystone is a founding member[…]

Keystone publishes the public report “What Investees Think”, presenting feedback data from the investees of 7 impact investors.

We surveyed 330 social enterprises anonymously on behalf of 7 impact investors worldwide. The 7 impact investors have received their feedback and are now making indicated improvements in their work. The feedback data and the investors’ experience in using the feedback is featured in the March 2013 report, What Investees Think. [su_posts template=”templates/single-post.php” id=”516″ posts_per_page=”1″ taxonomy=”post_tag”[…]