Jay Naidoo argues the importance of open data platforms as a tool that can empower citizens to participate in governance

Jay Naidoo is founding General Secretary of Cosatu, former Minister in the Mandela Government and Chair of the Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN). In his article, he argues that citizen engagement is essential for effective development, strengthening the quality of policymaking and the “science” of service delivery with improved social accountability. In order to increase[…]

Ken Berger and William Schambra argue on the pros and cons of emphasizing nonprofit outcomes metrics

Ken Berger, CEO of Charity Navigator and William Schambra, director of the Hudson Institute’s Bradley Center for Philanthropy and Civic Renewal argue the pros and cons of emphasizing nonprofit outcomes metrics. Ken’s article is available here, and William’s is available here. Both are published through Nonprofit Quarterly.

David Bonbright speaks at the Citizen Voices: Global Conference On Citizen Engagement For Enhanced Development Results

David Bonbright speaks at the Citizen Voices: Global Conference On Citizen Engagement For Enhanced Development Results. The event held in Washington DC on 18 March was hosted by the World Bank in partnership with CIVICUS and InterAction. David Bonbright joined tech innovators, development specialists, government officials, academics, civil society representatives, World Bank staff and the private sector where experience[…]

Markets For Good blog: David Bonbright discusses the prerequisites to moving constituent feedback to the heart of the philanthropy marketplace

If we want action – organizations listening and responding to their constituents in a way that raises performance and enhances impacts – we need to stimulate the demand for feedback and provide the professional support infrastructure to meet that demand. This raises a couple of important strategic questions in the field of what is coming[…]