September 4, 2009


Keystone welcomes your feedback. We are always pleased to hear from anyone who has dealings with Keystone – whether you are happy with our work or not.

We hope that any frustration on your part can be dealt with by immediate discussion with whichever member of Keystone’s team you are dealing with. But, if you feel that your point of view is not being listened to properly, then you can ask us to consider your complaint more formally. We will take all complaints seriously, and deal with them in a prompt, fair and courteous way.

Level 1

In the first instance, please address all complaints to the director responsible for the service provided. Please state clearly that you would like the matter handled as a formal complaint. The directors are:

* Services: Andre Proctor
* Chief Executive (for all other issues): David Bonbright

Contact details are available here. If you prefer not to speak to the director immediately involved, you can speak to another director. The relevant director will discuss the details of your complaint with you. This may involve investigating specific facts further. He will make a formal response to you within 14 days, in writing. This will include advice on what to do next if you are not satisfied with the response (see Level 2).

Level 2

If you are not satisfied by the outcome of Level 1, then please write to the Chief Executive, David Bonbright (contact details here), describing the reasons for your continued dissatisfaction. If the original complaint was handled by the Chief Executive then the Level 2 process will be handled by a member of Keystone’s board of trustees.

The Chief Executive, or Board Member, will review the complaint and associated documents, and provide a written response to you within 28 days. If you are still dissatisfied with this response, you may then appeal to the Board of Trustees, within 14 days of receiving the written response to Level 2.

Level 3

Keystone’s Chief Executive, or Board Member, will provide the Board of Trustees with a summary report of the complaint and a copy of the relevant correspondence. The Board will respond to you in writing, within 28 days of receipt of the appeal letter.

Charity Commission

Keystone is registered as a charity in the UK, regulated by the Charity Commission. You can request information about us from them (or access it from their website) – including the names of trustees and our annual accounts. You can also discuss any further investigation of our work with them.